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 * jQuery makeCollapsible
 * This will enable collapsible-functionality on all passed elements.
 * - Will prevent binding twice to the same element.
 * - Initial state is expanded by default, this can be overriden by adding class
 *   "mw-collapsed" to the "mw-collapsible" element.
 * - Elements made collapsible have jQuery data "mw-made-collapsible" set to true.
 * - The inner content is wrapped in a "" (except for tables and lists).
 * @author Krinkle, 2011-2012
 * Dual license:
 * @license CC-BY 3.0 <>
 * @license GPL2 <>
( function ( $, mw ) {
    * Handler for a click on a collapsible toggler.
    * @param {jQuery} $collapsible
    * @param {string} action The action this function will take ('expand' or 'collapse').
    * @param {jQuery|null} [optional] $defaultToggle
    * @param {Object|undefined} options
   function toggleElement( $collapsible, action, $defaultToggle, options ) {
       var $collapsibleContent, $containers, hookCallback;
       options = options || {};
       // Validate parameters
       // $collapsible must be an instance of jQuery
       if ( !$collapsible.jquery ) {
       if ( action !== 'expand' && action !== 'collapse' ) {
           // action must be string with 'expand' or 'collapse'
       if ( $defaultToggle === undefined ) {
           $defaultToggle = null;
       if ( $defaultToggle !== null && !$defaultToggle.jquery ) {
           // is optional (may be undefined), but if defined it must be an instance of jQuery.
           // If it's not, abort right away.
           // After this $defaultToggle is either null or a valid jQuery instance.
       // Trigger a custom event to allow callers to hook to the collapsing/expanding,
       // allowing the module to be testable, and making it possible to
       // e.g. implement persistence via cookies
       $collapsible.trigger( action === 'expand' ? '' : '' );
       hookCallback = function () {
           $collapsible.trigger( action === 'expand' ? '' : '' );
       // Handle different kinds of elements
       if ( !options.plainMode && $ 'table' ) ) {
           // Tables
           // If there is a caption, hide all rows; otherwise, only hide body rows
           if ( $collapsible.find( '> caption' ).length ) {
               $containers = $collapsible.find( '> * > tr' );
           } else {
               $containers = $collapsible.find( '> tbody > tr' );
           if ( $defaultToggle ) {
               // Exclude table row containing togglelink
               $containers = $containers.not( $defaultToggle.closest( 'tr' ) );
           if ( action === 'collapse' ) {
               // Hide all table rows of this table
               // Slide doesn't work with tables, but fade does as of jQuery 1.1.3
               if ( options.instantHide ) {
               } else {
                   $containers.stop( true, true ).fadeOut().promise().done( hookCallback );
           } else {
               $containers.stop( true, true ).fadeIn().promise().done( hookCallback );
       } else if ( !options.plainMode && ( $ 'ul' ) || $ 'ol' ) ) ) {
           // Lists
           $containers = $collapsible.find( '> li' );
           if ( $defaultToggle ) {
               // Exclude list-item containing togglelink
               $containers = $containers.not( $defaultToggle.parent() );
           if ( action === 'collapse' ) {
               if ( options.instantHide ) {
               } else {
                   $containers.stop( true, true ).slideUp().promise().done( hookCallback );
           } else {
               $containers.stop( true, true ).slideDown().promise().done( hookCallback );
       } else {
           // Everything else: <div>, <p> etc.
           $collapsibleContent = $collapsible.find( '> .mw-collapsible-content' );
           // If a collapsible-content is defined, act on it
           if ( !options.plainMode && $collapsibleContent.length ) {
               if ( action === 'collapse' ) {
                   if ( options.instantHide ) {
                   } else {
                       $collapsibleContent.slideUp().promise().done( hookCallback );
               } else {
                   $collapsibleContent.slideDown().promise().done( hookCallback );
           // Otherwise assume this is a customcollapse with a remote toggle
           // .. and there is no collapsible-content because the entire element should be toggled
           } else {
               if ( action === 'collapse' ) {
                   if ( options.instantHide ) {
                   } else {
                       if ( $ 'tr' ) || $ 'td' ) || $ 'th' ) ) {
                           $collapsible.fadeOut().promise().done( hookCallback );
                       } else {
                           $collapsible.slideUp().promise().done( hookCallback );
               } else {
                   if ( $ 'tr' ) || $ 'td' ) || $ 'th' ) ) {
                       $collapsible.fadeIn().promise().done( hookCallback );
                   } else {
                       $collapsible.slideDown().promise().done( hookCallback );
    * Handles clicking/keypressing on the collapsible element toggle and other
    * situations where a collapsible element is toggled (e.g. the initial
    * toggle for collapsed ones).
    * @param {jQuery} $toggle the clickable toggle itself
    * @param {jQuery} $collapsible the collapsible element
    * @param {jQuery.Event|null} e either the event or null if unavailable
    * @param {Object|undefined} options
   function togglingHandler( $toggle, $collapsible, e, options ) {
       var wasCollapsed, $textContainer, collapseText, expandText;
       if ( options === undefined ) {
           options = {};
       if ( e ) {
           if ( e.type === 'click' && options.linksPassthru && $.nodeName(, 'a' ) ) {
               // Don't fire if a link was clicked, if requested  (for premade togglers by default)
           } else if ( e.type === 'keypress' && e.which !== 13 && e.which !== 32 ) {
               // Only handle keypresses on the "Enter" or "Space" keys
           } else {
       // This allows the element to be hidden on initial toggle without fiddling with the class
       if ( options.wasCollapsed !== undefined ) {
           wasCollapsed = options.wasCollapsed;
       } else {
           wasCollapsed = $collapsible.hasClass( 'mw-collapsed' );
       // Toggle the state of the collapsible element (that is, expand or collapse)
       $collapsible.toggleClass( 'mw-collapsed', !wasCollapsed );
       // Toggle the mw-collapsible-toggle classes, if requested (for default and premade togglers by default)
       if ( options.toggleClasses ) {
               .toggleClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed', !wasCollapsed )
               .toggleClass( 'mw-collapsible-toggle-expanded', wasCollapsed );
       // Toggle the text ("Show"/"Hide"), if requested (for default togglers by default)
       if ( options.toggleText ) {
           collapseText = options.toggleText.collapseText;
           expandText = options.toggleText.expandText;
           $textContainer = $toggle.find( '> a' );
           if ( !$textContainer.length ) {
               $textContainer = $toggle;
           $textContainer.text( wasCollapsed ? collapseText : expandText );
       // And finally toggle the element state itself
       toggleElement( $collapsible, wasCollapsed ? 'expand' : 'collapse', $toggle, options );
    * Make any element collapsible.
    * Supported options:
    * - collapseText: text to be used for the toggler when clicking it would
    *   collapse the element. Default: the 'data-collapsetext' attribute of
    *   the collapsible element or the content of 'collapsible-collapse'
    *   message.
    * - expandText: text to be used for the toggler when clicking it would
    *   expand the element. Default: the 'data-expandtext' attribute of
    *   the collapsible element or the content of 'collapsible-expand'
    *   message.
    * - collapsed: boolean, whether to collapse immediately. By default
    *   collapse only if the elements has the 'mw-collapsible' class.
    * - $customTogglers: jQuerified list of elements to be used as togglers
    *   for this collapsible element. By default, if the collapsible element
    *   has an id attribute like 'mw-customcollapsible-XXX', elements with a
    *   *class* of 'mw-customtoggle-XXX' are made togglers for it.
    * - plainMode: boolean, whether to use a "plain mode" when making the
    *   element collapsible - that is, hide entire tables and lists (instead
    *   of hiding only all rows but first of tables, and hiding each list
    *   item separately for lists) and don't wrap other elements in
    * May only be used with custom togglers.
   $.fn.makeCollapsible = function ( options ) {
       if ( options === undefined ) {
           options = {};
       return this.each( function () {
           var $collapsible, collapseText, expandText, $caption, $toggle, actionHandler, buildDefaultToggleLink,
               premadeToggleHandler, $toggleLink, $firstItem, collapsibleId, $customTogglers, firstval;
           // Ensure class "mw-collapsible" is present in case .makeCollapsible()
           // is called on element(s) that don't have it yet.
           $collapsible = $( this ).addClass( 'mw-collapsible' );
           // Return if it has been enabled already.
           if ( $ 'mw-made-collapsible' ) ) {
           } else {
               $ 'mw-made-collapsible', true );
           // Use custom text or default?
           collapseText = options.collapseText || $collapsible.attr( 'data-collapsetext' ) || mw.msg( 'collapsible-collapse' );
           expandText = options.expandText || $collapsible.attr( 'data-expandtext' ) || mw.msg( 'collapsible-expand' );
           // Default click/keypress handler and toggle link to use when none is present
           actionHandler = function ( e, opts ) {
               var defaultOpts = {
                   toggleClasses: true,
                   toggleText: { collapseText: collapseText, expandText: expandText }
               opts = $.extend( defaultOpts, options, opts );
               togglingHandler( $( this ), $collapsible, e, opts );
           // Default toggle link. Only build it when needed to avoid jQuery memory leaks (event data).
           buildDefaultToggleLink = function () {
               return $( '<a href="#"></a>' )
                   .text( collapseText )
                   .wrap( '<span class="mw-collapsible-toggle"></span>' )
                       .prepend( '&nbsp;[' )
                       .append( ']&nbsp;' )
                       .on( '', actionHandler );
           // Default handler for clicking on premade toggles
           premadeToggleHandler = function ( e, opts ) {
               var defaultOpts = { toggleClasses: true, linksPassthru: true };
               opts = $.extend( defaultOpts, options, opts );
               togglingHandler( $( this ), $collapsible, e, opts );
           // Check if this element has a custom position for the toggle link
           // (ie. outside the container or deeper inside the tree)
           if ( options.$customTogglers ) {
               $customTogglers = $( options.$customTogglers );
           } else {
               collapsibleId = $collapsible.attr( 'id' ) || '';
               if ( collapsibleId.indexOf( 'mw-customcollapsible-' ) === 0 ) {
                   $customTogglers = $( '.' + collapsibleId.replace( 'mw-customcollapsible', 'mw-customtoggle' ) );
           // Add event handlers to custom togglers or create our own ones
           if ( $customTogglers && $customTogglers.length ) {
               actionHandler = function ( e, opts ) {
                   var defaultOpts = {};
                   opts = $.extend( defaultOpts, options, opts );
                   togglingHandler( $( this ), $collapsible, e, opts );
               $toggleLink = $customTogglers;
               $toggleLink.on( '', actionHandler );
           } else {
               // If this is not a custom case, do the default: wrap the
               // contents and add the toggle link. Different elements are
               // treated differently.
               if ( $ 'table' ) ) {
                   // If the table has a caption, collapse to the caption
                   // as opposed to the first row
                   $caption = $collapsible.find( '> caption' );
                   if ( $caption.length ) {
                       $toggle = $caption.find( '> .mw-collapsible-toggle' );
                       // If there is no toggle link, add it to the end of the caption
                       if ( !$toggle.length ) {
                           $toggleLink = buildDefaultToggleLink().appendTo( $caption );
                       } else {
                           actionHandler = premadeToggleHandler;
                           $toggleLink = $toggle.on( '', actionHandler );
                   } else {
                       // The toggle-link will be in one the the cells (td or th) of the first row
                       $firstItem = $collapsible.find( 'tr:first th, tr:first td' );
                       $toggle = $firstItem.find( '> .mw-collapsible-toggle' );
                       // If theres no toggle link, add it to the last cell
                       if ( !$toggle.length ) {
                           $toggleLink = buildDefaultToggleLink().prependTo( $firstItem.eq( -1 ) );
                       } else {
                           actionHandler = premadeToggleHandler;
                           $toggleLink = $toggle.on( '', actionHandler );
               } else if ( $ 'ul' ) || $ 'ol' ) ) {
                   // The toggle-link will be in the first list-item
                   $firstItem = $collapsible.find( 'li:first' );
                   $toggle = $firstItem.find( '> .mw-collapsible-toggle' );
                   // If theres no toggle link, add it
                   if ( !$toggle.length ) {
                       // Make sure the numeral order doesn't get messed up, force the first (soon to be second) item
                       // to be "1". Except if the value-attribute is already used.
                       // If no value was set WebKit returns "", Mozilla returns '-1', others return 0, null or undefined.
                       firstval = $firstItem.attr( 'value' );
                       if ( firstval === undefined || !firstval || firstval === '-1' || firstval === -1 ) {
                           $firstItem.attr( 'value', '1' );
                       $toggleLink = buildDefaultToggleLink();
                       $toggleLink.wrap( '<li class="mw-collapsible-toggle-li"></li>' ).parent().prependTo( $collapsible );
                   } else {
                       actionHandler = premadeToggleHandler;
                       $toggleLink = $toggle.on( '', actionHandler );
               } else { // <div>, <p> etc.
                   // The toggle-link will be the first child of the element
                   $toggle = $collapsible.find( '> .mw-collapsible-toggle' );
                   // If a direct child .content-wrapper does not exists, create it
                   if ( !$collapsible.find( '> .mw-collapsible-content' ).length ) {
                       $collapsible.wrapInner( '<div class="mw-collapsible-content"></div>' );
                   // If theres no toggle link, add it
                   if ( !$toggle.length ) {
                       $toggleLink = buildDefaultToggleLink().prependTo( $collapsible );
                   } else {
                       actionHandler = premadeToggleHandler;
                       $toggleLink = $toggle.on( '', actionHandler );
           // Attributes for accessibility. This isn't necessary when the toggler is already
           // an <a> or a <button> etc., but it doesn't hurt either, and it's consistent.
           $toggleLink.prop( 'tabIndex', 0 );
           // Initial state
           if ( options.collapsed || $collapsible.hasClass( 'mw-collapsed' ) ) {
               // One toggler can hook to multiple elements, and one element can have
               // multiple togglers. This is the sanest way to handle that.
      $toggleLink.get( 0 ), null, { instantHide: true, wasCollapsed: false } );
       } );
}( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );